Hello Fellow Part-time Teachers!
After over six months of meeting and negotiating, we have a tentative agreement for you to consider and have attached it here! We were able to achieve some very notable changes to our contract, and these are the highlights:
- Article 1.4 – this contract will be in force until June of 2021. We decided to extend the contract to make sure we are not adversely affected from the loss of revenue because of the extended campus closures.
- Article 6.4.3 – This change made the language about priority lists clearer. If the district does not do its part and the part-time person does, the part-timer will have priority status.
- Also in this article, we received a five dollar raise for doing peer reviews.
- Article 11.4 - The district will give us four additional work stations to conduct our business such as conferencing with students, working on lessons, or making copies. Two will be on the upper campus and two on the lower campus.
- Article 12.3 - Non-credit instructors didn’t get a pay raise the last time when everyone else did, so they get a three dollar an hour raise this time around. It was great that we were able to negotiate this pay raise because the state of California might be substantially cutting the funds the college receives.
- Article 12.6 – For the first time ever, we have a “me too clause.” This is a BIG deal!! If the full-time faculty receives a higher salary rate for the duration of this contract, we will automatically get a higher rate. We have wanted this for a while and finally we have it!
- Article 13.8 – We have always been required to submit a syllabus to our dean’s office, and this officially puts it into our contract. One thing to note here is that we also must submit changes to our syllabus. I might mention that I am changing my definition of syllabus and will give my students a tentative schedule as a separate document since that is the most likely to change during the semester while the basic syllabus will most likely not change.
If you aren’t a member of the union, now would be an awesome time to join! You can do so online at this link:
The more members we have, the better we will be able to fight for you when the next emergency comes around!!