Hello all you awesome and essential fellow part-time faculty!
We all hope your semester is going great! Can you believe we are in week ten already!
We didn’t need to send out ballots for our election this year because we only had one person nominated for each position. The election results were as follows:
- 1st VP: Dorothy Reina
- Treasurer: Josh Briggs
- VP at Large: Lauren Golder
- VP at Large: Valerie Morales
We are so happy that Valerie Morales is on our board now! She is a member of the counseling department, so we are so glad to have a voice from that department on our board.
We also would like to introduce David Wilkerson, who was appointed to the board to complete the term of Caleb Castaneda, who accepted a full-time position at another school. David is a member of the history department, has filled in as a senate representative this semester, and is a valuable addition to our board! Welcome both of you!
Our annual gathering will be November 13th at 7:00 via Zoom for everyone. It should be lots of fun! There will be games and prizes for members. It’s not too late to join!!! We would love for you to come!
Everyone who is teaching the fall semester was required to take two training courses: Sexual Harassment and Cyber-security. I know the link was a real challenge for the Cyber Security one, so I hope you did get the link working for you! We will be paid $50.00 for completing that training; we didn’t need to fill out a professional development form this time.
Speaking of professional development: Keep your eye out for opportunities to take those classes and training. There are many opportunities to grow professionally, and it is awesome that we can be compensated for improving! Just be sure you fill out the form and send it to your dean before the activity.
We will be starting negotiations soon and will be sending out a survey in the next week to find out where you would like us to place our emphasis. We are excited to start a new round of meetings with the district and are anticipating great results!
If you are on the priority hire list, you should have received your classes for the spring semester.
If you have any problems with your contract, please contact Ian or April right away. There is a time frame that we must adhere to, so it is vital that you don’t delay.
I hope you can see that your union is working hard for you!!!! If by any chance you have put off joining us, please reconsider and become a member. Welcome to the 37 new members this year!! The more members we have, the stronger our position is at the bargaining table and the more likely we are to better serve you!!! Just click on the link and follow the instructions:
We are encouraged because more of you have been coming to our e-board meetings! We hope you feel welcome to come! Our next e-board meeting will be November 5 @ 10:00 via Zoom. If you would like to come, just let one of us know. We would love to see you!
If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ian -- (760) 245-4271 Ext. 2125 or aft6286oa@gmail.com or one of the members of the e-board:
- April Allen President
- Dorothy Reina 1st Vice-President
- Cheryl Elsmore Secretary
- Joshua Briggs Treasurer
- Yolanda Penton Vice President at Large
- Lauren Golder Vice President at Large
- David Wilkerson Vice President at Large
- Valarie Morales Vice President at Large
Thank you for all you do! The college could not provide the services it does without the ESSENTIAL AND AWESOME PART-TIME FACULTY
Cheryl Elsmore
AFT 6286 Secretary