Hey Awesome Fellow Members of AFT 6286!
It is time for nominations for four Executive Board positions:
- First Vice President
- Treasurer
- Vice President At Large
- Vice President At Large
You can view the duties for each of these positions at the end of this email.
There are just a few things you need to note:
- All nominations must come from a member in good standing and must be for a member in good standing. * (You may nominate yourself);
- A nominee must have been an AFT PTFU Local 6286 member for at least six (6) months;
- You may choose one (1) nominee for each open position;
- Nominations will be open until October 21, 2017, at 11:59pm PST;
- We will send you information about the election process later this month
To send in a nomination, all you have to do is reply all to this email. You may also send an email directly to aft6286elections@gmail.com with "ELECTION NOMINATION" in the subject line.
As always, we appreciate you! Please contact us with any questions or problems. Someone on the board or our Office Manager extraordinaire, Ian, will be glad to help you!
Cheryl Elsmore,
Chairperson, Election Committee
*A member in good standing is one who has submitted an application for membership on a form provided by the Local and who has authorized Victor Valley College to deduct appropriate Local dues from his/her paycheck or who has remitted the appropriate membership dues directly to the Local.
The First Vice President shall
- · assume the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence, illness, or death;
- oversee and assist the Nominations Committee in their duties;
- notify all unit members of their AFT 6286 membership advantages;
- be responsible, with the President, for recruiting and organizing new members;· oversee the mentoring of new or existing faculty members;
- perform other duties as delegated by the president or assigned by the executive board
The Treasurer shall
- receive, record, and deposit all dues, monies, and other income in the name of AFT 6286;
- review membership records;
- issue notices of delinquencies
- be one of the responsible fiduciary officers of AFT 6286 and be authorized to sign financial instruments and make regular and usual disbursements of funds
- maintain all financial records of AFT 6286;
- arrange for an independent audit of the finances of AFT 6286 annually and make the audit available to the Executive Board and membership;
- transmit per capita payments on a regular basis to the Secretary-Treasurer of the American Federation of Teachers and similar officers of all other bodies with which AFT 6286 is affiliated;
- oversee the work of and receive reports from the Budget Committee;
- perform other duties as delegated by the President and assigned by the Executive Board;
- perform duties of the office as required by the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act
Vice Presidents-at-Large shall be appointed to specific AFT 6286 work assignments by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board. These assignments may change as needs arise. Typically a Vice President-at-Large will be a committee chairperson or a committee member