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KIT - 8/27/2021

August 27, 2021 Welcome back you awesome and essential part-time faculty! We hope you had an awesome and restful summer!! This is going to be a bit longer than usual, but there are several things that we need to make you aware of: The first main order of business is signing contracts, and, as April said in her last e-mail, “If you are having trouble signing your contract you can email “If you have questions about signing your contract again, please contact Ann Marie Sharp in Instruction. (This might be due to contract revisions, etc.) Ext. 2610” The next main order of business is parking permits. According to Chief Knight, the campus police office will be open until 7:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays until September 16th. I know many of you who work other places were concerned about the limited time that was available to get permits, so this is a good thing! Make sure you have your contract when you go to pick up your permit and your keys. I know Covid and face masks are on everyone’s mind. According to Dr. Walden, all persons must wear a mask when they are inside a building on campus. If you are teaching a class and have submitted proof of vaccination, you may wear a face shield while you teach but must put on a mask when you are finished teaching. Deans will be roaming the campus to make sure this is done. You must submit proof of vaccination to HR, and you must also self-declare every time you go on campus whether you are vaccinated or not: .Additionally, you legally cannot ask if students are sick or have been vaccinated; don’t argue with unmasked students, though. Just call the police. If you have further questions about any of this, please contact The next thing to cover is elections. This year, we will vote for the positions of First Vice President, Treasurer, and two Vice Presidents-at-Large. If you want to vote in the election, make SURE that you are a member of the union – the cut-off date for this is September 4th. We are happy that Caleb Castenada, one of our Vice-presidents at large has accepted a full-time position at a local high school, but we will miss his insights and comments on the board. Thank you for all you did for us, Caleb! And, speaking of members of the union – a very special welcome to the 36 members who have joined us since the first of the year!! The more people we have, the stronger our voice is in negotiations. And, speaking of negotiations, our contract committee is working on a survey that will be going out to all members soon so you can tell us what you would like us to negotiate as the new cycle starts at the beginning of next year. I know many of you love our fall gatherings! This year it will be via Zoom, and our social committee is working on some very fun activities and prizes. Hopefully, next year we will be able to see all you guys in person. Our All-College Day will also be via Zoom and will be on September 10th. Remember to fill out the attached form so that you can be paid for it. You also can be paid for attending CAT trainings if you have not attended them previously – all you need to do is fill out the form and submit it to your dean. There are twenty-five new part-time faculty this semester. Welcome to the VVC family! Don’t forget to send your syllabus to your dean before the end of your first day of class. Also, Magdalen Chavez asked us to pass along this full-time job announcement: Victor Valley Community College is currently recruiting for Clinical Placement Program Manager. Here is the link if you would like to apply.… Things have changed a bit recently, so we have included some links to some pertinent information: Academic Calendar:… Pay Schedule:… Reorg Chart:… Salary Schedule:… Syllabus:… I hope you can see that your union is working hard for you!!!! If by any chance you have put off joining us, please reconsider and become a member. The more members we have, the stronger our position is at the bargaining table and the more likely we are to better serve you!!! Just click on the link and follow the instructions: We are also encouraged because more of you have been coming to our e-board meetings! We hope you feel welcome to come! Our next e-board meeting will be September 3rd at 10:00 via Zoom. If you would like to come, just let one of us know and Ian will send you a link. We would love to see you! If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ian -- (760) 245-4271 Ext. 2125 or or one of the members of the e-board: • April Allen President • Dorothy Reina 1st Vice-President • Cheryl Elsmore Secretary • Joshua Briggs Treasurer • Yolanda Penton Vice President at Large • Lauren Golder Vice President at Large Thank you for all you do! Cheryl Elsmore, AFT 6286 Secretary

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